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Planning your Visit

Join In

We believe that Church is about much more than a Sunday gathering.  Church is God’s family, and families ‘do life’ together.
We encourage everyone in our church to get involved in some form of group or community that meets during the week. 
We have a range to choose from.


Missional Communities

Missional Communities are small to mid-sized groups that meet to share their lives together around a common focus. Missional Communities will be rooted in a rhythm of praying together, reading the Bible and meeting in one another’s home regularly. Importantly though, they will also have a strong ‘outward focus’ and a desire to connect with a particular group of people with whom they can share the Good News of Jesus through friendship and a shared life.
A Missional Community might be based around a particular locality, or a common interest or a stage of life.  Speak to one of the Team for more details.

Small Groups

We run a couple of different Small Groups for those who really want to ‘go deeper’ in their faith.  These include a Bible study group and a group which is dedicated to prayer and the prophetic.

Social Groups

We also have a number of groups that have a more social flavour and are aimed at simply connecting people together around a shared activity.  These groups meet at different times and locations and can change throughout the year.